Autoblog Smart Buy Program
Helping you find the best price on a new car or truck
$1,461The Autoblog Smart Buy program brings you a hassle-free buying experience with over 12,000 Certified Dealers nationwide. We've collected millions of transactions, nationwide, so we know exactly what people are paying in your local area. You get up-to-date vehicle pricing information and the ability to compare pricing estimates before you get to the dealership.
Benefits of the program
Great Savings
Shoppers have seen an average savings of $1,461 off MSRP.*
Dealers Compete, You Compare
Certified Dealers are committed to total price transparency so you know the price you'll pay - including all incentives, fees and accessory costs, before visitng the dealership
Buy with Confidence
Get an exceptonal car buying experience when you purchase from a TrueCar Certified Dealer who is dedicated to great service, and saving you time and money.
How It Works
Select a vehicle and see what others paid so you can recognize a fair price
Provide your contact info to get price offers that include incentives, dealer fees and accessory costs
Print "Guaranteed Savings Certificate" from local Certified Dealers
Bring the certificate to your Certified Dealer to test drive and buy
Search by Style
Search by Make
"Between 1/1/21 and 12/31/21, the average savings off MSRP experienced by consumers who connected with a TrueCar Certified Dealer through the Autoblog Smart Buy Program Auto Buying Program and who were identified as buying a new vehicle from that Certified Dealer was $1,461. Your actual savings may vary based on multiple factors, including the vehicle you select, region, dealer, and applicable vehicle-specific manufacturer incentives, which are subject to change. The MSRP is determined by the manufacturer and may not reflect the price at which vehicles are generally sold in the dealer's trade area, as many vehicles are sold below MSRP. Each dealer sets its own pricing."
Neither Autoblog nor TrueCar brokers, sells, or leases motor vehicles. Each TrueCar Certified Dealer will confirm actual vehicle availability from in-stock inventory, including options and color choices.
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